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To grow personally and professionally, we need an accurate picture of our strengths and weaknesses. But how well do any of us know ourselves? A well-implemented 360-degree evaluation can be constructive just for that reason. Learn how it's done and how it can help you. Click to continue |
Interview Cheat Sheet Creating a cheat sheet will help you feel more prepared and confident at the interview. It's not a list to check off during the interview, but more something to remind you of key facts. Here are some suggestions for what to include on it. Click to continue |
Heard on the Boards: Beat the Odds and Change Jobs? Monster member Kara_Y posts: I'm going through a career change, and I find the competition unbelievable. Granted, I don't have much job searching experience, considering I've only had two jobs since college and am still in my late 20s. However, I have never had such a tough time finding a job, even after graduation when I had no professional experience at all. I'm applying to entry-level positions (because of the career change) but have a lot of transferable skills. I also have a few years of work experience, which I would assume is more than most of my competition. However, I find it extremely hard to land interviews, even though I'm only applying to positions where I fit at least 90 percent of the qualifications. I'm getting very discouraged and don't know what else I can do. Join the discussion |
Simplify Your Work Life There's no doubt about it: Today's work life is complicated. We use technologies designed to help us manage it all, but they can have just the opposite effect, adding even more interruptions and distractions. Some are looking to the emerging life-hack movement for strategies to simplify their lives. Click to continue |
Career Book Gift Guide The holidays leading up to New Year's are a great time to give yourself or a friend a kick in the career. These fresh titles can help any professional rethink what it means to work in the 21st century. Click to continue |
Lying on Your Resume Companies are growing increasingly savvy in ferreting out resume cheaters through comprehensive background checks conducted both pre- and posthire. Why the latter? Subpar job performance can prompt a follow-up investigation into an employee's past. If dishonesty is discovered, it is often grounds for termination and possibly legal action. So is lying on your resume really worth it? Click to continue |
From the Monster Blog: How Do You Decide? Monster Blogger Christine posts: Every workday is filled with a myriad of decisions to be made. Some have few consequences and are made without much thought: where to park in the morning, which pen to use, whether to have tuna or ham for lunch. Others are more complex: Should you have it out with your coworker? Is that interview you got called for worth it? How can you... Read more and respond |
Leadership Quiz Where are you on the path to leadership? Our interactive tool can help you find out. No matter what the results, the fact that you've come here demonstrates a core quality of leadership: Initiative. Take the quiz |
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